In this section:

Detailed subscriber overview

To get detailed information about a subscriber, click on its name from your list of subscribers from the Campaigns > Subscribers menu, and a sidebar with that subscriber's data will open. 


  • The first part contains detailed information on the total number of sent and successfully sent messages through the various communication channels;
  • The click rate, the open rate, the conversion rate, as well as the total revenue of this subscriber;
  • Subscription date, account update date (the account is updated when new events occur, for example, the user opened the email you sent him, followed a link, etc.), user type (customer or subscriber), Country and information from where this user is acquired;


  • In the second part, you can see the channels and all the information related to the persona identification, such as accounts, devices and login data he used.
All active entries used in campaigns are in black, inactive entries are in light gray. The records that the person used last are active.

All this data is taken into account to create one persona. Although a user may have used different emails or phone numbers, our AI tool will combine all other data (see more here) to detect that it is the same user.

The last phone number or email used is taken into account when sending campaigns. If you decide to delete an entry, the previous one from the list will be set by default.

By clicking on the corresponding channel, you can edit the data you see:

  • Subscriber's identified devices - In this section, you will find information about all devices identified for a subscriber - device type, operating system, manufacturer, model, referrer (directly on the site, Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), UTM tags (use them to create different segments) as well as the unique user ID.

When creating segments, you can use device type, OS, manufacturer, and model information to create various filters to segment your subscribers and target your campaigns properly afterwards. For example, you can display various accessories or other gadgets suitable for users with Samsung devices.
  • Segments in which the subscriber participates -here, you can see how many segments the person is involved in according to his actions, events and the segments you have created.

  • Customers connected with the subscriber - in this section, you will see information about all customers with whom the persona is associated - their names and email addresses.

As an administrator, your actions and events (browsing certain pages, purchases, etc.) will not be taken into account along with those of users.


In this section, you can add different tags for each person and use them for segmentation later.

Check out also:

Subscriber and device identification

Importing Subscribers