CloudCart's premium design templates are a result of our many years of experience in all eCommerce industries. The themes have applications enabled as well as functionalities depending on the business sector.    

The way we have presented the products complies with user preferences and all the rules for easy selection and seamless payment of an item. In addition, the page builder gives the ability to create additional landing pages for promotional campaigns or seasonal changes to the assortment.   

Premium themes make the store attractive, but they also allow to easily add additional widgets. This way, you can enrich product galleries or other parts of the homepage during a seasonal campaign or new collection. 

Where to find premium templates? 

1. To access the premium design themes, go to your store's admin panel, section My Store > Themes > Paid and choose the best one of the 21 paid templates available. 

2. If you place the mouse cursor on a theme, you have the opportunity to view its demo before you make a choice and buy the template. 

3. After clicking on the View demo button, the theme in the demo version will open. 

We offer premium themes for all industries, and the updated list is available here.

Visual content editing

Drag & Drop builder

With the help of the easy-to-use drag & drop builder, which you can access by going to Marketing > Landing pages > Homepage, you can create marketing landing pages for various campaigns and target the right audience. 

You can edit each widget from the respective icons in the upper right corner. The icons appear when you go over the widget with the mouse. 

The sliders and banners' graphic design has been done with an external software. For this reason, you cannot edit their texts as part of the possible corrections of a landing page. 

Attractive photos

Product photography is an indispensable part of the work of each online store. Show your products in the best light through detailed lifestyle and 360° degree images. 

The right size

Influence as much as possible the purchasing decision with appropriate proportions of your product photos. 

You choose a header and footer

You have complete freedom to customize the header and fооter of your store from the My Store > Navigation section for maximum comfort. 

Colors put you in a good mood

You can easily change the store colors and set the tone you want.

The font matters

With the appropriate font, your marketing message will reach the right target audience. 

Technical parameters

Professional premium templates are installed with a landing page that serves as a homepage and can be edited/adapted from Marketing > Landing pages. Before installing the design, you can select demo content with products, variants and vendors.   

Each of the themes has functionalities and applications enabled based on a specific industry. 

This will add system text content to each premium theme, which will hint at what text you should fill in the respective fields, as well as information about symbols if such is necessary, etc. 

For example, the Product title field will not be blank, and there will be industry-specific and theme-specific hints. Here is what the product title system text common for all themes looks like - "Create a title describing the type, color and material of the item (up to 60 characters)." 

And in the "Category description" field, there are the following prompts: "The category description is key in defining your store's Google position. The user almost never reaches a second page..."   

The working files for sliders and banners are not provided when purchasing the theme, neither is additional adaptation by a designer. Here you can see detailed instructions for editing a landing page. 

Each theme has a landing page on the gate where you can read about all the key functionalities that have been used, such as a double slider and parallax, for example.  With CloudCart's premium design templates, it is much easier to find the right theme for your specific industry. You can take advantage of the system hints, as well as edit your homepage directly in the Marketing > Landing pages section.