Upsell and Cross-Sell offers / strategies are a huge opportunity for any business, through which you can optimize your profits without spending extra money on advertising.
What is Cross-Selling?
In general, Cross-Sell is the sale of complementary products, ie. of products that have a logical connection with the product selected by the customer. If with Upsell the goal is to offer a product that is an upgraded version of the product selected by the customer, then with Cross-Sell we offer a product that would be a supplement to it.
Before showing how to set up this type of offer with our functionality, it is important to remember that we should always offer our customer the opportunity to purchase additional products, as in many cases he did not realize that he would need them. The Cross-Sell offer gives the customer information that you also offer these products, and this is a guarantee that they will think of you when they need them. Take advantage of the fact that cross-selling is not perceived as annoying by the customer!
Complementary cross-selling
This is the most common variant of Cross-Sell - you offer an additional product that complements the value of the product selected by the customer (for example, if the customer wants to buy a phone, you can offer him headphones).
Example: In this image you see existing Cross-Sell offers from a CloudCart merchant that has registered extremely good results.
His best Cross-Sell offer has been seen 542 times, with 119 people accepting it by adding it to their cart but only 78 of them have successfully completed their order.
This Cross-Sell offer has led to nearly BGN 1,200 in additional turnover for the merchant, for the generation of which no money has been spent because the functionality in CloudCart is completely free, optimizing the profit from one customer.
In the image, you can see other Cross-Sell offers, which do not have such impressive results, but nevertheless, these offers have helped the merchant to make the buyers from his store spend more and thus he can earn more without doing anything but preset the offer.
How to set up Cross-Sell?
1. To set up your first Cross-Sell offer you need to log into your admin panel, go to Apps section > All apps > Cross-sell & UpSell, and click on the Install button.
2. To create an offer click on the button in the upper right corner of your screen.
After you have installed the application a new subsection will appear in the Marketing section where you can access Cross-sell & UpSell:
3. In the window that opens, enter the title of the offer - you have the opportunity to enter a system title (for your own usage), and a marketing title for your offer to grab the attention of customers who will see it. E.g. Wait! Do you want to add this product to your order? Congratulations! You just unlocked a big discount! Hey! Don't miss this opportunity! Hey! Don't miss these 20/30/40% discounts!
If you turn on test mode, only you will be able to see the offer to check how it works and looks before activating it and making it visible to customers.
4. Write your marketing description that literally in one sentence clarifies what the user gets from you and answers the question "Why should I add this product to my order?" Be specific in the description, giving as much information as possible, but in no more than 2 lines, e.g. Add Product 2 with X% discount + Free shipping. Already X people have done it! Add Product 2 with an X% discount and save X EUR from your order. Already X people have done it!
This type of description should give the customer a clear idea of the benefits of this offer - to save money and be confident in the quality of the product. (as soon as X other people have ordered it).
In the next sub-section, you need to set the visual settings of your offer. We recommend that they be consistent with the design of your site.
- Background color - this is the background color of the window in which the offer will be displayed - Make it neutral (gray/white or other light colors) so that the text and description of the offer are easy to read.
- Text color - this is the color of the Title of the offer - We recommend that the color of the text be black or contrasting with the background
- Button background color and button text - a visual combination for the button.
We recommend that the color of the button be green, as this color has a positive effect on users and psychologically makes them click on the button.
5. Choose the conditions of your offer. Where to display the Cross-Sell offer (at which step of the user path) - see all possible places shown in the image below.
For which product (s) to activate the Cross-Sell offer.
Which products to be offered in the Cross-Sell offer
Choose how to display/activate the offer and how many different products to include.
When choosing the number of products to display via Pop-up, always check how the offer is displayed on mobile devices. From our tests and feedback from retailers, we concluded that 1, 2 or 4 products are best visualized and do not interfere with the user experience.
In the next step, you can choose not to display products that are already out of stock and those that are already in the customer's cart.
In the last step, you can give your customers an additional discount to be applied to the products offered in the Cross-Sell offer.
If you choose the offer to include an additional discount (Extended), then you will be able to choose from the following options:
Fixed amount to reduce the price of the proposed product
Percentage % by which to reduce the price of the offered product
Free shipping upon acceptance of the Cross-Sell offer
Free product as a gift
Keep in mind that if you select the "Free product as a gift" option when adding more than one free product, only the cheapest product will be free.
Once you are done with setting the offer, click the "Save" button and be sure to go to the page of your product and test how your offer is displayed depending on the settings.
Before placing an offer for all users of your site, we advise you to first make a test product that is hidden from the mass audience of your site to use for such tests and settings. Once you are sure that the offer is set up correctly, you can simply go into the settings and change the product for which this Cross-Sell offer was originally created.
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