DSK Bank Credit Calculator is a payment method that you can easily activate in your online store and thus give your customers the opportunity for installment payment for the products they want to buy from your store.
1. To activate this method, you need to contact a representative of DSK Bank Credit Calculator and sign an agreement. All customers' inquiries for purchasing your products in installments will be sent to an employee of DSK Bank to process the application.
2. Once you have a contract, you need to go to your control panel, in the section Payments > DSK Bank and click the Configure button.
3. In the blank fields of the window that opens up, enter the relevant data. In the first section, you have the ability to change the name and logo of the payment method:
4. In the next section, fill in the following data:
Email - Enter the email address to which your customer inquiries will be sent. The information is available in your agreement with DSK Bank.
- Agreement number - Enter the number of your contract with the institution.
- Price - enter the minimum value of the product in order to be purchased in installments.
- Minimum period - You must enter a minimum payout period that your customers will be able to choose when specifying this payment method. The standard minimum is 3 months.
- Maximum period - enter the maximum period for which customers will be able to pay for the ordered products.
- Step interval - You can offer your customers a different step interval. This is the number of repayment months you can offer to your customers. For example, if the step interval is 3, customers will be able to choose whether to pay for a particular product for 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. months.
- Percent per month - enter the monthly interest rate as a percentage of how much the purchase will increase on a monthly basis.
- Free Instalments - here you can specify which months will be offered with free installments if any.
5. In the text box describing the payment method shown below, you must enter the text that will be displayed each time your customers successfully complete an order using this payment method. According to your contract with the institution, you can fill in the field with the following sample text:
Thank you for using the services of ‘Your online store!
Your request to make payment in installments through DSK Bank has been sent successfully.
Expect a response within two hours.
6. Interest-free installments - in this section you can set the conditions for an interest-free lease.
- Title - The entered interest-free lease title will be visible to customers, it will be positioned above the table of interest-free lease months.
- Interest-free installments - in this field you need to enter the number of months for an interest-free lease. If you want to fill in more than one number, separate them with a comma.
Here's how it would look in the checkout:
The customer should select a repayment plan and complete the order.