AdScout is the first social platform of its kind that builds a network of trusted referrals, connecting satisfied users and advertisers, based on verified references, from which everyone benefits. The platform enables users to quickly, easily, and conveniently share with friends and relatives all kinds of products with verified quality and they profit while doing it. Thus, future users can make their choice based on the trusted referral of someone who is already happy and familiar with the benefits of the product or service they are looking for. 

By connecting AdScout with your CloudCart store, your business will be able to evaluate user feedback, stimulating its positive reviews. With AdScout, you will turn your satisfied users into ambassadors of your brand, attract new customers, and increase your sales.

Why choose AdScout?

  • AdScout helps business partners increase their profits
  • It provides complete and advanced statistics with automatic analysis
  • With AdScout, you get notifications for quick access to your ads and sales, as well as tons of custom settings, with just a few clicks
  • When creating an ad, with AdScout you can upload interactive go-to action media (photo, video, GIFs, etc.)
  • AdScout enables you to approve, reject or preview any advertisements or sales made through AdScout
  • AdScout turns each of your satisfied users into an advertising channel for attracting new customers

The main benefits of AdScout for your business:

  • Much better conversions
  • Organic advertising for your next-generation business
  • Zero Risk for your Company
  • A win-win deal. With AdScout everyone wins!
  • User-friendly interface
  • Upgrading your sales channel
  • Attracting New Customers
  • Building loyalty between your business and your consumers
  • Ability to track your sales in real-time

How to install the AdScout app

1. Log in to your control panel and from the menu select Applications > All applications > AdScout

2. Generation of XML feed - selection of products to generate the feed.

At this step, you have the ability to select: all, products, products to specific categories, products from specific manufacturers, specific products, products with specific tags, and products to a specific collection.

3. Choose whether to add all products to the feed or only the products in stock.

4. Choose whether the hidden products should be added to the feed using the switch.

5. At this step, you can enter UTM to analyze the results of clicks generated by the product feed.

6. Fill in the API key and domain code.

IMPORTANT! API key and domain code are required and provided by AdScout, you can find them after logging in at this link.

To find the API key and domain code information follow the steps:

- After registering in AdScout, go to Basic settings → Integration connection parameters → copy the API Token

Then copy the API token from the AdScout platform and put it in the CloudCart admin panel - "Enter API key".

It's time to secure the domain code.

- In the AdScout platform, go to Basic Settings → Integration Connection Parameters → copy the Partner Domain Hex

The copied domain code is placed in the following field in the CloudCart admin panel - "Enter domain code".

7. After you have entered all the necessary settings, select the "Save" button.

The product feed will be generated within 12 hours. If AdScout is correctly connected to CloudCart, you will receive information about the total number of products in the feed.

By completing the last step, you are ready to use the AdScout app in your CloudCart store.