Stripe is a payment method by which you can accept direct payments with credit and debit cards in your eStore. In addition, Stripe allows you to take payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay. You can also use its varieties of functionalities and detailed reports for all transactions. 

Faster checkout - When a customer who already has made a purchase and returns to your store his information like shipping and payment details are filled automatically so he can complete his order more quickly.

Activate Stripe

  1. Log in to Admin >> Settings >> Payments
  2. Select Stripe from the providers’ list >> Configure.
  3. In the Name of the service section you can add Pay with Apple & Google pay, so your customers know that can use these payment methods through Stripe. Please note, that Google Pay is still an inactive service in Bulgaria. 
  4. In the Setting section enter Test Secret Key/ Test Publishable Key and Live Secret Key/ Live Publishable Key**
  5. In the next section Amount from and Amount to, you can set a minimum and maximum amount of the order at which this payment method will be activated for the customer and be visible when he chooses a payment method for checkout.*
  6. In the last section Discount type, you can specify an exact or percentage type of discount for customers to stimulate them to use this payment method.

*The minimum amount for processing a transaction through Stripe is one unit ($1, €1).

**To integrate Stripe as a payment method in your online store, you need to enter API keys, which you can get from your Stripe account.

Tip: Card payments reduce the risk of returning or cancelling an order, which is common when the customer chooses to pay on delivery. In addition,the likelihood of damage to the goods, during transportation, especially if you sell expensive pieces, must also be taken into account. It is therefore advisable to encourage your customers to pay by card. This can be done by giving a small discount if they choose this payment method.  

Getting API keys

    1. Go to your Stripe account

    2. From the menu, choose Developers >> API keys

    3. Copy the available Publishable key and click the Reveal live key token button to see the Secret key. To get your test API keys, go to the home page of your Stripe account. If you have entered test API keys you will be able to use Stripe in test mode to make sure everything is working properly.

    4. Copy the keys and paste them in the corresponding fields in your eStore.

The Live Mode button in the Test Mode section should be disabled, to use Stripe in test mode to make sure everything is working properly.

Stripe Should return error 400. So when you are adding Stripe configuration at the documentation please note that the Error 400 is the expected error and it is correct.

Please note that if you edit/replace/add products that participate in already paid orders or change the applied discounts, this may lead to a discrepancy in the amounts.